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- From: Thomas Binder (Gryf) <binder@rbg.informatik.th-darmstadt.de>
- Subject: Re: Men|k|rzel... (translated)
- Date: Thu, 9 Jun 94 10:56:15 MESZ
- In-Reply-To: <Pine.3.87.9406090152.C26810-0100000@undergrad>; from "Timothy Miller" at Jun 9, 94 1:44 am
- Mailer: Elm [revision: 70.85]
- Precedence: bulk
- Hi!
- Even though that wasn't *my* message, I decided to translate it. Please
- excuse my bad English, I hope you all can understand the most important
- parts...
- Michael_Bernau@maus.hb.de wrote:
- > I think, we should continue using the shortcuts that are listed in the
- > documentation for Mag!X and in the "Profibuch".
- >
- > Insert = ^V
- > Copy = ^C
- > Cut = ^X
- > Quit = ^Q
- > Open = ^O
- > Change Window = ^W
- > Close Window = ^U
- > and so on...
- >
- > This standard seems to be already established. It should also be clear to
- > operate buttons in dialogs using combinations with the alternate-key.
- > The user should be free in using combinations with shift-control and shift-
- > alternate for the menu. Every dialog should have a Help- and an Undo-Button,
- > as practiced by Interface, so that the user has a good help in every program.
- > If there's no special Undo-button, the Cancel-button should be used for that.
- > Radiobuttons, checkboxes and popup-menues should, of course, also be
- > selectable with the keyboard and by clicking on the corresponding text.
- > With popup-menues, this should not only be the text, but also the circle-
- > button. NKCC (a library coming with the resource-editor Interface) should
- > be used for language/country-independent keycode-handling.
- > Furthermore, all programs should be adapted to the use of dialogs/windows
- > in the background. Also to the use of Drag&Drop, iconifying, and so on.
- > I think, we already have a certain ammount of useful conventions which really
- > should be used, what is done with the above mentioned by nearly all
- > programmers.
- After translating that, I must say that we really don't get anything new out
- of this text...
- Ciao
- Thomas
- --
- /----------------------------------------------------------------------------\
- | Thomas Binder (IRCNick: Gryf) | "It all seems so stupid, it |
- | Hauptstrasse 43b | makes me want to give up, |
- | 61169 Friedberg | but why should I give up, |
- | Germany | when it all seems so |
- | Email: binder@rbg.informatik.th-darmstadt.de | stupid?" M. L. Gore |
- |----------------------------------------------------------------------------|
- | Auf frischer Tat ertappt - Dunkelheit bei Einbruch verhaftet! |
- \----------------------------------------------------------------------------/